Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives.
by supporting multiple charities for vital causes, including respiratory health, women’s wellness, and domestic violence.
by supporting multiple charities for vital causes, including respiratory health, women’s wellness, and domestic violence.
Our non-profit organization was created to empower individuals and communities through advocacy, education, and resources, with a special emphasis on respiratory health and women's wellness.
Together, we inspire hope, improve lives, and make a lasting impact on those in need.
Jenna founded Allcare Anywhere as a non-profit with a vision to eliminate financial barriers that prevent vulnerable individuals from accessing vital services. Her worldwide experiences revealed a critical gap in support for those most in need – vulnerable adults, women with children, and children themselves.
By establishing a non-profit model, Jenna ensures that these groups can receive a wide range of essential services, not limited to occupational therapy, regardless of their economic situation.
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
Discover the power of voice with the Worthy Wellness Podcast. We amplify the stories of resilient women entrepreneurs, showcasing their services, wisdom, and journeys in holistic care and therapy. Our hosts, Jenna and Gloria, create a platform for women to inspire and support each other. From holistic wellness to innovative therapy services, each episode celebrates the strength of women uplifting women. Ready to share your story or get involved? Contact us today and join our empowering community.
Tee off for a breath of hope at Golf to Breathe, our annual tournament driving support for respiratory care and lung cancer recovery. This inspiring event swings into action to fund vital therapies for those healing from respiratory challenges. With every putt, we're helping individuals access the treatments they need, covering costs on their behalf. Rooted in Jenna's occupational therapy expertise, Golf to Breathe embodies the spirit of compassion and community support. Join us on the green to make a life-changing difference – your participation could be someone's breath of fresh air. Ready to play for a purpose? Contact us to get involved and help others breathe easier.
Join us, and discover how together, we can create a supportive environment where Individuals can unapologetically embrace their true selves and flourish.
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